Hello Beetlemaniacs,
The Black Beetle's NO WAY OUT #3 came out last week and it was another success among readers and critics! On behalf of everyone who has worked on this book (even if I am writing, drawing, and coloring it, there is a team of talented people that help bringing it to life and into your hands): THANK YOU SO MUCH, everyone!
And speaking of talented people who helped with this book, I wanna give a special thanks to my dear friend Rafael Kayanan, whose expertise in Martial Arts helped me choreographing a big fight scene in this issue.
So happy you are enjoying this little noir yarn. One more chapter to go, with the big Labyrinto reveal (have you figure out yet who is behind the mask? ;))
And now here's a partial list of the great reviews BB #3 has received :)
REVIEW: The Black Beetle – No Way Out #3 5/5★
Nary a syllable is wasted in this latest installment of the Black Beetle’s adventures from writer and artist Francesco Francavilla. It’s a tightly written story with perfect pacing that keeps you so engaged that you’re unable to turn the pages fast enough.
it’s a great story and you’re cheating yourself if you’re not reading it. The Black Beetle – No Way Out #3 earns 5 stars.
The Black Beetle: No Way Out #3 Advance Review 9/10
The third chapter, of four, of Francesco Francavilla’s Black Beetle is nothing short of epic. With only one issue to go, Francavilla ramps up the action.
Really, truly, this limited series has been great. Francavilla has a character in Black Beetle that has impressed from the start, and it’s really quite clear that he’s putting his heart and soul into each and every panel between these covers. The final issue, in 30 agonizing days, is going to be one to remember.
Black Beetle: No Way Out #3 comics review 9/10
If there is a slump coming in The Black Beetle, it will have to wait because issue #3 is as good as the issues before it.
Damn, I love this comic book.
Black Beetle: No Way Out #3 Review 4.5/5★
No artist draws pulp like Francesco Francavilla, and if The Black Beetle: No Way Out #3 is any indication, he writes pulp just as well as he draws it.
The Black Beetle: No Way Out #3 is an incredibly fun read, not in spite of its dark grittiness, but because of of it.
Black Beetle #3
I’m sticking around for more of our eponymous hero’s pulpy (mis)adventures!!!
Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews
Major Releases BLACK BEETLE: NO WAY OUT #3
Francesco Francavilla's Black Beetle is getting better with every issue. The time and care that goes into these issues is evident from how well put together they are. Black Beetle walks that line of hitting the tropes you'd expect while also taking the story places you might not. Francavilla's work is always oozing with his personal style, and nowhere is that more true than here in the pages of Black Beetle.
Comics Should Be Cheap!
Black Beetle: No Way Out #3
Pulp style comics may not be everyone else’s bag, but they are mine, and few artists in the industry today do them as well as Francesco Francavilla. Hell, few artists in the industry today are as good as Francavilla, period. I try to read every issue he works on, and that goes double for this great creator-owned series.
Review - The Black Beetle: No Way Out #3
The Black Beetle: No Way Out #3 gets the series ready to conclude and it's poised to go out big. The Black Beetle knows what he must do and is set on doing it, continuing to make Colt City a better place to live.
The Black Beetle #3 Review - 4.5/5★
I REALLY, REALLY loved the art. I’ve thought that Francavilla’s art has been excellent all the way through, giving us a really nice noir/pulp throwback feel, but there are things he does with the panels here that you just have to see.
Top Picks
Black Beetle: No Way Out #3 | Francesco Francavilla
Much like the moment when the Game of Thrones end credits roll, the moment when I finish an issue of Francesco Francavilla’s Black Beetle: No Way Out is the worst part of my month, because that means that there’s the longest possible period of time until I can get my hands on a new issue. It’s that good. The seedy world of Colt City and its pulpy protector, the Black Beetle, come to life through Francavilla’s tightly paced writing and eye-popping artwork. Following up on his lead from the city’s rat-riddled underground, the plot gets thicker than a New York deli sandwich once our goggled gangbuster sees a familiar face at the Coco Club – namely one that should be dead. Suffice it to say, this book just keeps getting better. I only have one question: Is it May yet?
Pull List: Black Beetle: No Way Out #3
Speaking of pulp, Francesco Francavilla’s gorgeous pulp noir continues to go down smooth. Francavilla’s love of the pulps shines through every page, but what really shines here are his layouts. A back alley fight scene in particular is a gleeful riot of oddly angled panels, colors, and witty narration. It’s sad there’s only one more to go: Hopefully we haven’t heard the last of the Black Beetle.
Review: Black Beetle: No Way Out #3
The issue moves along at a brisk pace, but never loses steam. Can’t wait for the finale!
Review: The Black Beetle #3 5/5★
the more I follow the adventures of The Black Beetle, switching as he does between devil-may-care antics and street-level detective work, the more I appreciate his populating, if not exemplifying, a fully-textured world. Everything in this place feels like it’s been rendered from rich hide, a throwback to a world where materials, like its men, were made of sterner stuff, instead of plastic affectation.
I honestly couldn’t love this book more if I tried. Luckily, I really don’t have to try.
The Black Beetle #3 Review
Now this is genre-fiction done right in the 21st Century. Black Beetle: No Way Out might be straight up hard-boiled detective pulp, but Francesco Francavilla lends the book a distinctly modern feel through his innovative artwork and distinctive color palette.
Olivia's Comic Book Reviews
Review The Black Beetle #3
It’s just such a fun and exciting book, with a likeable and often relatable protagonist in an utterly thrilling tale.
Top of the Pull List – The Black Beetle: No Way Out #3
this comic is everything I hoped it would be. Action, suspense, a genuine sense of mystery—this is the work of a master craftsman, through and through.
Pull List Review: The Black Beetle: No Way Out #3 7/10
Francesco Francavilla is pouring himself into this series, and every page glows.
A consistently triumphant book continues to impress.
Review: The Black Beetle: No Way Out #3 9/10
Francavilla is one of the most gifted storytellers in comics, and “The Black Beetle” is a passion project that finds him at the top of his game. It’s an absolute blast to read, and something I hope we see much more of after “No Way Out” wraps next month.
Check This Out! Comics Pick of the Week: The Black Beetle #3
This is the type of book that really needs some love for the creator-owned end of the medium: a fresh, stylish, and fun series from a young up-and-comer filled with contagious enthusiasm.
When I talk about reading comics as an active experience, I usually mean intellectually – but Francavilla delivers it on a visceral physical level and I love it.
Dark Horse Reviews: The Black Beetle #3 5/5★
To say that this series is good is probably the biggest understatement on the planet.
In review: The Black Beetle #3
BB is a fun mix of detective and costumed super hero.
The Black Beetle #3 4/5★
picked up the first issue because of the art and the promise of pulp fiction, both reasons have delivered in spades.